The buzz word for this week is #individualism. Individualism is the ability to adopt individualistic values, recognize your hairdressers for their unique skills rather than rewarding a group. Many salons owners are scared of it. We as an industry are highly dependent on creativity, if we look after our hairdressers as individuals they will be much more creative than if you address them as a collective group. Most people want to be seen as individuals and want to be respected for their individual talents.
This philosophy is prevalent in all aspects of our society, you just need to look: being a single parent, traveling alone or living alone is no longer taboo. An individualistic culture at work promotes creativity and innovation, boosts engagement and motivates people to do their best. Your team will be proud of their accomplishments and will strive to achieve their best knowing that. We have always run our company on individuality. For some of us everything comes at a cost but isn’t it better to create a dynamic skilled hairdresser that leaves you in 5 years’ time than a hairdresser that will follow the flow but stay with you forever. Think like a football coach .. shift your mind .. it’s time to make change.