Thairapy during Isolation

Hairapy during Isolation

Feeling distant from your hairdresser? We have some top tips from the dream team - Jack Merrick Thirlway, senior stylist known for his razor cut, killer blowdries and fashion week looks, Seniz Alkan senior colourist renowned for ombre, ombrayalage and more, and Tom Cruickshank senior colourist and the blonde king.


We generally encourage regular haircuts to help maintain the health of your hair, however cutting your hair yourself will most certainly result in a bad haircut and bad self-esteem. Neither of which would do wonders to the morale at the moment. Besides the obvious, attempting to cut your own hair, could potentially lead to long term damage such as uneven lengths, unwanted layers or shredded ends if professional scissors aren’t used. A DIY cut could also mean your stylist has to end up cutting a lot more than you’d bargained for to rectify the overall look. Hair cutting in general can look easy, however it really isn’t. Experts undergo many hours practising how to hold their scissors and position their body to perfect the correct angle. They also, practise on dolly heads for years prior to qualifying. Aside from their technical skillset, hairdressers have a real understanding of what style will suit your personality, appearance and lifestyle. Interestingly enough, none of our stylists cut their own hair either. So instead of a botch job, try these tips to keep your hair in condition and colour hacks…

Top tips to maintain your hair colour and style whilst in isolation?

Don’t assume you need box dye. Look at other products such as L’Oreal’s root touch up, Colour Wow, Mascara Power and also dry shampoo that will blend your regrowth. Being in isolation is also the best time to be using treatments such as Olaplex Number 3, 4 & 5. Another favourite of mine is the Philip Kingsley elasticizer which will do wonders to the quality and health of your hair. – Seniz Alkan

During isolation why not take this time to give your hair a well-earned rest, try not to use too much heat and if possible let your hair air dry after its washed, better still use a nice hair treatment that can be left in for 20-30 mins before rinsing. Being on lockdown can be used as a time where your hair can be treated with love and care ready for when you get to have your first appointment at your salon after quarantine. Maybe it’s a time to work with your natural textures and watch some tutorials on the @nevillesalon Instagram page to see some quick and easy updo’s and styles that will not take long to achieve with very little equipment. Regardless of whether you are going to use heat on your hair or not I would always suggest using heat protection creams such as L’Oreal Liss control. This will give your hair, most importantly the ends the moisture it needs. As we know it is impossible to get a haircut or colour during this period but the worst thing you could do is try and tackle any problem yourself. Please wait until it is possible to get to your stylist/technician, as a bad job done at home could take months to fix. – Jack Merrick Thirlway

Ways to stop Blonde going brassy?

The best way to stop blonde going brassy is to use a violet or silver shampoo to neutralise yellow and brassy tones, such as the Kerastase Blond Absolu Bain Ultra Violet Shampoo. Depending on your hair type it’s probably best to use it once a week to avoid build up over time and actually turning violet. The good news is it won’t affect any future colour process so when we get back to normality your colourist won’t have to carry out major repair works.- Tom Cruickshank

Grown your own ombre?

While growing your ombre may seem like a good opportunity, it’s not going to be hit colour this summer. People will be over roots by then and be desiring block colour or soft tones I call it Subtle Dimension - we will be moving in the direction of an allover colour with multifaceted tones and hues. It's a very natural look. Says Tom Cruickshank

Roots Manoeuvre

Either embrace your roots during isolation or adopt a nifty new parting. Simple as that. Pick a new way to part your hair, depending on where most of your greys are.

Or simple idea is a bun or top knot that hides a thousand sins. A lovely chunky Alice band or elegant silk scarf.

How to maintain your hair colour and condition during isolation

During isolation it is important to look after your hair, if it is possible to order online of if you already have at home, using “Kerastase Masque Intense” every few days, particularly on the ends but also on any dry fragile bits of hair will help maintain the condition until you get back to your salon after lockdown.

One of my favourite products is Olaplex No3, which is an at home use conditioning treatment that helps to rebuild the bonds that have been broken over time due to colour, heat and general wear and tear.

Olaplex also have a formulation called Olaplex No6, which you apply to your hair before blowdrying, this will protect from the heat and also help to keep the bonds protected. If it is not possible to find these products online at the moment, Tesco has a Masque called “Pantene Gold Repair”, this helps keep your hair moisturised. Once rinsed and towel dried. Use Schwarzkopf guardian angel heat protection spray. This will protect your hair from heat damage from the hairdryer. Do be careful when blowdrying your hair, make sure to take most of the moisture out with a towel and then rough dry 90% dry give or take for your hair texture before applying heat directly down the hair shaft. This will save the hair from heat damage.- Jack Merrick Thirlway

Elena Lavagni’s Beauty top tips:

Use shampoo and conditioning from the same brand, they have ingredients that complement each other, and you will end up with a better result even with a budget product.
Sleeping on a satin pillow is known to reduce hair breakage. Cotton and other materials are quite rough in texture due to which they also cause more friction against your hair.
Rinse your hair with cold water as hot and warm water opens up the hair cuticles and the pores on the epidermis. If the water is too hot, it can damage your hair. Use warm water for shampooing. After you have conditioned your hair, rinse it off with cold water.
Use clarifying shampoo once a month. It helps to clear your scalp from products build up and leave the scalp clear and easy to breathe.

Do or Dye


To be stuck at home is challenging, even for the ultimate home lover. Now that we are in a lockdown situation, constrained to stay in, albeit for our safety, it can make us feel very self-critical. Catching those pesky greys in our reflection in the morning can be so frustrating and might even lead those of us who have never attempted box dye, to think the unthinkable!

We asked Senior colourist Tom Cruickshank to give us some insight as to what could go wrong and to explain the processes you will need to reverse the damage:

What most colourists are not telling you is, for those of you who have only ever had your hair professionally coloured, you will be appalled by the results of box dye. Firstly, the application process is messy, and it will most likely not end well for you, your bank balance or the condition of your hair…

The first likely scenario is that you select a colour that is too dark for your complexion. Not only will this affect your morale more than the greys did, but you will need a colour correction appointment as soon as the salon reopens. What you need to appreciate is that unlike professional colour, home colour products are extremely challenging to remove. Firstly, to remove the colour requires a large quantity of bleach before re-colouring to the desired shade. What is more, your hair will be extremely sensitive, meaning you will likely, over the next year, spend a fortune to stop it from fading and turning a brassy shade of orange.

The second scenario is for those attempting to do a home lightener. Whilst daffodils are a great indicator of spring, yellow hair isn’t the solution! You will most likely end up with a colour you hate or a chemical hair cut (i.e. broken hair). Either of these outcomes will make it near impossible for us to correct, without asking you to invest heavily on long-term treatments and that’s before we even discuss sorting out the colour. Remember trained colourists can do marvellous things with your disasters, but ultimately, you have to remember it is a colouring brush, not a magic wand.

In the end the choice is yours, would you rather spend your summer crying over a short haircut you didn’t want or covering your roots, badly, to go nowhere and see no one?